Welcome to Merthyr Tydfil FIS
The Family Information Service (FIS) provides free advice and information on a wide range of childcare options and activities for children aged 0-19, their families and carers. This includes information on Day Nurseries, Registered childminders, out of school clubs, Pre-school playgroups and parent and toddler groups. We also provide help and advice on paying for childcare and working in childcare.
Merthyr FIS Information Video
Advice and information about parenting.
Careers in Childcare and Playwork
Interested in working in childcare or playwork?
Find information about childcare available to you in Merthyr Tydfil.
Family Support
Information and advice for families across Merthyr Tydfil.
Dewis Cymru
Find local and national organisations and services that can help you.
Flying Start
Flying Start is the Welsh Government’s flagship early years programme for families with children under 4 years of age.