Childcare Regulation

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) are responsible for regulating day care services for children. These services include childminders, Day Nurseries, Pre-school Playgroups, Crèches, Out of School Clubs and some play schemes.
Providers must be registered if they operate for more than 2 hours in one day or for more than 6 days in any year. CIW decide who can provide childcare services, and they carry out inspections to ensure that the National Minimum Standards are met.
All childcare providers must meet the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Day Care in order to become registered and to maintain these standards at all times when operating. The main aims of registrations are to promote quality standards and to protect children ensuring they are cared for in a safe and suitable surroundings.
Copies of CIW Inspection Reports can be viewed on the CIW website
Further information